Global Warming and the solutions

Global Warming and the solutions Global Warming became the most hot issue in entire the world. The effect of Global Warming is very dangerous for the environment. But, there are still a lot of people who think about the global warming as just the issue and it is never make an effect to our Earth in the future. Though, thereare a lot of signs from the nature that arise asthe bad effect of Global warming.The increasing sea levels has been occured in many areas in this world. This increase happened because of the melting of the ice inthe north polar. It cause of the world too hot, and make the ice in the north polar become melting. Beside of that, we can see a lot of hurricanes, thunders, and tornado in the world with easily. Global Warming make the farms get the failure and it make reduce the foods supplies.The cause of global warmingGenerally, there are a lot of reasons that can make global warming. The use of excessive fossil fuels too much because of the vehiclesare increasin...